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Mobile APP Access Control

US$ 38,00 - US$ 42,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Unidades
US$ 38,00 - US$ 45,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Unidades
US$ 19,00 - US$ 23,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 2 Unidades

Standalone Access Control

US$ 19,00 - US$ 21,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Peças
US$ 14,00 - US$ 16,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Peças
US$ 11,99 - US$ 14,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Conjuntos

Biometric Recognition

Control Board

US$ 72,00 - US$ 78,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Conjuntos
US$ 58,00 - US$ 62,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 2 Conjuntos
US$ 30,00 - US$ 35,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 Unidades
US$ 30,00 - US$ 34,00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 5 Conjuntos